The blog goes live!

Hi there, stranger, welcome at Beats By Pao! As I, besides music, generally love to write and to share my knowledge, I've decided to include a blog section on my website. The mission is simple - to share the experience I'm gaining through my everyday hustle. There will be of course some important newsflashes included as well as articles covering interesting production tips & tricks, advices on self-promotion and marketing for your music, occasional selections of Reddit threads seeking for music to showcase on Spotify and Youtube channels and generally/hopefully a lot of other interesting and helpful stuff to read. So stay tuned fam - the lofi roller coaster has just left the station!

First time on my blog?
Welcome! My name is Pao and I'm the person behind this whole website. Besides making music myself whenever I can, I also write this blog and curate Spotify playlists. Feel free to explore it here a bit - I believe you will find some interesting stuff around ^^